Creating a Managed Code Application

The IntervalZero.RTX64.dll provides the ability for a Windows application to link in features that will allow it to communicate with RTX64 real-time applications. Create a managed code application that includes real-time communication attributes as follows:


  1. Create a new Visual Studio project as you normally would (i.e. by selecting to begin a C# Console Application).
  2. Add the RTX64 Managed Code Framework assembly:
  3. Right-click References in Solution Explorer and then select Add Reference...
  4. In the Reference Manager dialog, click Browse.
  5. Click the Browse... button, and navigate to C:\Program Files\IntervalZero\RTX64 SDK\3.7\bin\IntervalZero.RTX64.dll

NOTE: If you installed the RTX64 SDK to a different folder, you will need to change the above path accordingly.

  1. Click OK. IntervalZero.RTX64 should now be listed under References in Solution Explorer.
  2. Add the namespaces that you will use, such as:
    1. using IntervalZero.RTX64;

      using IntervalZero.RTX64.Threading;

      using IntervalZero.RTX64.Runtime;

  3. Click OK to save the new reference.


A RTSS application built using a particular version of the RTX64 Managed Framework DLL must have that very same version of the RTX64 Managed Code Framework installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) in order to run. This rule also applies when deploying managed code applications that were built with the RTX64 2014 SDK on an RTX64 3.0 Runtime. To assist customers with meeting this requirement, we provide redistributable copies of the RTX64 Managed Code Framework.

NOTE: If you remove a given version of the RTX64 Managed Code Framework from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC), applications that require that version of the framework will no longer work.

NOTE: Applications built using the RTX64 3.0.0 Managed Code Framework cannot be deployed on an RTX64 2014 or 2013 Runtime.

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